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No New Posts River

The river serves as a boundary between ThunderClan and RiverClan territories, and between RiverClan and WindClan territories in the forest. On the RiverClan and WindClan border, the river flows from a gorge that comes to a waterfall. Further upstream, the river feeds into a gorge, which is regarded as the main source of the water. Past Highstones and WindClan territory, the river continues to flow onto Twoleg territory, where it evidently comes to an end.

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No New Posts Thunderpath

Thunderpaths are oily and black paths that monsters travel on. They are usually hard, gray, and smell acrid or tangy, and are sticky and usually hot. Many cats injure themselves or get killed by the monsters on it, making the Thunderpath be feared by most cats. This thunderpath has to be crossed to get to the Moonstone. ShadowClan cats often use a tunnel underneath the stone to get to every Gathering, and sometimes use it to attack other Clans secretly. The sour tang of the Thunderpaths is usually associated with Twolegplace, as it leads between the Twoleg nests. Animals also get killed on the Thunderpath, (e.g. rabbits) and cats make references to them ("flat as a Thunderpath rabbit"). There are some Thunderpaths that are busier than others, such as this one, where monsters roar by quite regularly. ShadowClan shares a border with ThunderClan here, and farther up the road shares another border with WindClan.

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newBookmarkLockedFalling allegiances [compelete character list]
Fern 4 939 by Fern
Jul 25, 2019 10:07:24 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Guide to Feles!
Deleted 0 1,202 by Deleted
Jun 19, 2018 17:53:11 GMT -5


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Borders are the boundaries separating the Clan territories (either separating two Clans, or a Clan and a neutral territory). They are usually defined along geographical features, such as rivers like the one between ThunderClan and RiverClan or Thunderpaths such as the border in the forest between ThunderClan and ShadowClan. Borders are normally checked and marked twice daily by patrols. Crossing a border into another Clan's territory without acknowledgement from the other Clan is considered breaking the warrior code, considering it that a cat could be spying or stealing prey.

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